Self Mastery

So for this week, my favorite piece that I studied was the talk titled, “Success Is Gauged By Self-Mastery,” which was given by N. Eldon Tanner. In my opinion, learning self mastery is one of the most important skills that we can master in this life whether we’re trying to become an entrepreneur or not. Elder Tanner talked about how at a young age, we should make the decision of what kind of person we’re going to be, and what kind of life you want to live. Because if you make that decision early on, it’ll make us have that inner determination and strength to apply self master as our life carries on. In this life, we’re going to be thrown so many obstacles and temptations, especially if we’ve already made it a point to not do certain things. When the adversary knows that, he’s going to try that much harder to persuade us. The test in this life, is whether you’ll be able to be strong enough to resist certain temptations, and use your self-mastery and continue to master it. Throughout our life, our morals and virtues must always be apart of us, we can’t relax on what we believe in, and we can’t relax on the person we’re trying to become. At every moment in your life, you’re preparing for something, whether it be receiving the priesthood, serving a mission, being married in the temple, enduring to the end, you should always be striving for those virtuous goals.

This week , I read a story about a girl named Erica, who owned a greeting card company. There were several things that stuck out to me while reading about Mills and her experience. First, I loved how she became knowledgable with several different skills and hobbies. For instance, she studied science in college, but also loved art, and of course had an entrepreneurial side to there. Plus, she worked as being a sales representative for some time that helped here with other skills. Then when it came to Warm Fuzz Cards, Mills decided to think outside the box and thought to herself how she could change the card business, or simply thought that you do not need a reason to send a card. I love that part of being an entrepreneur, the ability to think differently than others, and how you can change the game and do things others hadn’t thought of. Small note as well, it talked about she attended trade shows and things like that, always trying to learn new skills, always looking to improve. It was also evident that she was a goal setter, and even though she enjoyed the slower rate of progress the business was moving at, it was clear that she had a goal, and would meet those goals as well, not rushing herself.

Gaining Mentors


So I thoroughly enjoyed Launching Leaders, and it gave me great insights on business as well as leadership. Launching Leaders by Steven A. Hitz. I wanted to highlight several of the points he made that I really enjoyed. The first main point that I got from this book was how we need to find and adopt mentors in our life. First of all, the quote that was at the beginning of the chapter spoke volumes to me. “A mentor empowers a person to see a possible future, and believe it can be obtained,” said Shawn Hitchcock. Throughout my life, I’ve been so incredibly blessed to have met people that I consider mentors. My father, grandfather, mission president, etc. This life is such a learning experience, and having those who have lived life and have had success, to be able to pick their brain and learn from them is such an invaluable thing. If you look at those who have had success in their life, especially in business, they’ve all had someone, at least one person who helped them and gave them advice. An individual can achieve an incredible amount if they’re working just by themselves, but if you were to have help, or as Hitz says if it was part of a colony, the productivity will just increase and you’ll not only accomplish more, but you’ll learn more as well. And then as your life goes on, you’ll also be able to become a mentor and pass those lessons along.